Thursday, January 28, 2010

Become A Model Rapidshare How Can A 5th Year Old Girl Become A Model?

How can a 5th year old girl become a model? - become a model rapidshare

Hello, I wonder how a girl could be a model in class 5. I searched and searched for places where you can start, but found nothing! All Model: Commercial, clothes, anything! Only Want to Be ONE! HELP! Tell me how I do what I need to start a website or anything. Please help!

- Bee


CherryWi... said...

Girl, you're lost, Yahoo Answers for Big Kids Honey

Anywayz but the thing about the model, ask your parents if you think you can do, they take care of you. What is the city to life at all? I hope that near a big city ...

optimism said...

Back to school.

♫MusicxL... said...

Hmm, is not yet old enough to be here .... and secondly, if you're so bad, just go to local stores and ask.

Steven said...

The best way to see if the model look on her face in a mirror and see if the left side of his face just right on your hand, that is, they are symmetrically equivalent. If the ear is on your left or your left eye is still greater than 0.5 millimeters to the right or if you have irregular teeth, then your chances are of wood, very small.

Finally, you must either discovered incidentally (better) know someone in the industry (the way it was set to implement) or to a modeling agency - like work. Be careful modeling packages, which often try to sell ", with no real intention of a model. If someone asks you to pay money before it becomes a model that you are mistaken.

Lauren said...

Try to get into modeling places like Kohl's store ads for girls. Good luck! Go to an agency in your area to represent them.

Bella said...

Honey, a young Girls 5 Year of life has no meaning. It would be "a daughter of the 5th year" And anyway, you make an impulsive decision. Everyone wants to be a role model in this age, but must wait several more years. He is young and not yet sure which is your life, and you may later regret this decision. Think about it.

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